Food Delivery

리뷰를 작성

일회성 결제. 구독이 없습니다. 무제한 프로젝트에 사용할 수 있는 코드에 액세스하세요.

The food app is a template to start your food delivery application. It has two versions: customer and admin dashboards. The customer has only an app, while the admin has both the app and a web dashboard. You'll be able to add categories, products, descriptions, and prices. The customer app can navigate through the entire flow until checkout. Follow these instructions to start your Firebase.

Connect to Firebase: Link your Firebase project, grant all permissions to as a member, activate email authentication, create a Firestore database, and create these tables before running the app.

"It is important to 'Regenerate config files' using exactly the name of the created package, such as com.mycompany.--NAMEOFYOUR_PROJECT--."

1. Mandatory initial database tables before running the application:


- has_admin

- boolean -> false


- integer -> 0


- nameCompany -> string

- phone -> string

- phoneWhatsapp -> string

- email -> string

- aboutUs -> string

1. Run the app and create a new customer account.

2. Create an admin account.

3. On the admin dashboard, at least create one category to unlock more editing options.

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